Hey Hey!!
When I was a
youngun I loved playing an old-school computer game called "Where in the World is Carmen
SanDiego?" I'm sure many of you have heard of or played the game. Today Matt is on wild run to Australia. He will hit all corners of the world (or so it seems). Between the next two days (three if you are on Australian time) Matt will travel from
Suquamish to
SeaTac airport to Denver, Los Angeles, Sydney, and finally Canberra, Australia. He's a busy boy today! I can't believe he will be at our new house in less than 24 hours! wow! I can't wait to hear what he thinks of it. I sure hope he leaves the decorating up to me :)

Today, Matt will see a lot of the picture above.

I found a couple comics that made me chuckle!

Matt really wanted me to express our thanks on the blog. First off, thanks to every one who has had and has continued to pray for our Dusty dog as she flew over that giant ocean the other day. Also, thanks for the thoughts and prayers as Matt has prepared to leave. A BIG thanks to Nick and
Lili for letting our whole family stay at your house a while back and for hosting Matt in his last few days in the states. Last but not least, a BIG thanks to Mike and Jean for letting Matt use your vehicle, while you road your motorcycle in the rain :( We could not have done this without
every one's support. We feel fortunate and blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.

Yesterday I took a yoga class for the first time. I have done yoga at home for 6 months now, but had never attended a class. I couldn't help being overwhelmed in class with everything that is going on in my life. My life tends to be super busy and when I took the time (away from the house and kids) to just relax and concentrate on important things in my life I found that I became very emotional. It was a good time for me to debrief and learn more about myself.

Much of my yoga concentration was on my pooch! As you all know, Dusty arrived in Sydney,
AUS a few days ago. According to her vet she is doing very well and adjusting to her new environment. Unfortunately in the states one of the vets working on Dusty performed the wrong test on her. Therefore, Dusty will have to stay in
quarantine a couple of weeks longer and we will have to pay for another test to be done. The poor girl has really gone through a lot. I'm sure she feels your prayers and thoughts about her!

Now that fall has arrived, I decided to bring back some structure to our lives. With the move it has been difficult to have the structure we once had in our household. Destiny and I LOVE routine (I'm sure Addi does too). Yesterday, we started working in a workbook and doing some fun projects and Destiny was ready and excited to do it again today! I love watching her learn. I guess that's just the teacher in me! In the above picture she is playing with peanut butter
play dough, per her request!

Yesterday, I was a little under the weather so we had a movie day (and by that I mean we watched 1 movie). Destiny thought this
apparel was appropriate for a good movie!

This morning we worked on some puzzles. She loves making up stories with her puzzle pieces!

We also had a nice visit with Great Auntie Mona! Destiny was digging in the
oreo cookie jar that plays music! She thinks it is so cool. She continued to do 3 or 4 more puzzles at Mona's today too!

Addi had her first
oreo cookie today and LOVED it!

Addi brought a book up to Mona and said "book" so they read a little bit.
We have had a great and busy day! I hope tomorrow brings a blog about Matt's arrival in Canberra! woo-hoo! This is really happening! It seems so crazy!
I have a fun Aussie slang word : Gobsmacked = surprised, astounded
Sometimes I feel a bit gobsmacked in this whole moving process!
Enjoy today!
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