Good morning folks!
This morning we are gonna take a walk down memory lane. Matt is due "home" tonight. He will arrive on the midnight flight. I am SO excited to see him! He will only be here for about a week and then he's off to Australia to get us settled! Here are some old pics of us. I can't wait to see him tonight!

In Matt's apartment, shortly after we were engaged.

On the ferry boat to Seattle.

At our first submarine birthday ball.

At the waterfall park in Pioneer Square Seattle.

The deck at our first apartment.

Christmas in
Williston, with Mr. Baxter, Matt's sister's dog.


Shortly after we got engaged.

Us and baby Destiny.

by the fire ( I was very pregnant with Destiny).

Our car decorated after we got married (p.s. i miss you, car!)

The night we got engaged!

Another Christmas in
Williston. We look kinda goofy (orange is a very bad color for me!!

At Jackson park in Washington.

Matt's first day on
Australian Slang of the day: stoked = very pleased.
I use that one already, so that will be an easy one to catch on to! I am so STOKED for Matt to come home!!!!
Enjoy today! I know I will!
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