Happy Sunday!
Finally, I can say the magic words!!! Matt is in Canberra, Australia! He called me for a short chat last night. He has been to our house! (Pictured below)

He says he thinks I am going to like it! They furnished it for us very nicely (according to Matt). He said the tub is big! (imagine candle lit baths with a good book before bed each night!) BUT he said the oven is small. A couple of my goals for Australia revolve around an oven, so this might make things interesting! All in all he really is enjoying it there! 10% of me wants to be there with him exploring and figuring out our new community, the other 90% is perfectly happy to be right here in North Dakota!

Yesterday the girls had the chance to play with a 6 month old baby. She made my
girlies look so big! I think I need another small one around :) *wink wink!

It was a beautiful day so we spent some time playing with
moon sand outside! Moon sand is WAY TOO messy to play inside!!

Destiny rode her bike! She fell two times, but was a champ!

Addi decided to wear a hat this morning. She's so darn cute!

Destiny figured since Addi had one on she needed a hat too!
Not too much going on today...it is FOOTBALL day so the day revolves around the tv in this house.
Here's the Aussie word of the day: "Nut out" - hammer out or work out
I have somethings to nut out before I move Down Under!
Enjoy today!
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