Monday, April 4, 2011

A quick peek into my grocery cart

Good morning everyone! I have time for a quick blog before we head off to the park for an Easter Egg Hunt with our play group! When I'm shopping at the grocery store, especially for produce, I usually don't pay much attention to the prices of things. The weight is in Kg and I am not very good at converting and I don't have 10 minutes to work it out while I'm shopping. Anyways, I bought a bunch of bananas the last time I went shopping. There were 5 bananas in the bunch.
I got home and looked at the receipt and sure enough I paid nearly $15 for the 5 bananas! yikes! That is $3 per banana! They aren't even the pretty pristine ones; they have bruises!

Unfortunately it is one of our favorite fruits, but we may have to cut back a little bit.

From what I hear, bananas are expensive because the majority of the banana crop in Australia was wiped out due to the floods.

So there you have it; just a peek into my shopping cart!

Aussie word o' the day: Trolley = shopping cart!

Enjoy today!

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