Monday, August 16, 2010

From Ghetto to Fabulous!

That's right, folks, we are going from Ghetto to Fabulous! We just received pictures of our new house that the U.S. embassy is providing for us near Canberra, Australia! It makes our old house/neighborhood look like the ghetto! Don't get me wrong, Bremerton was a great place to live and I have fantastic memories, but the fantastic memories are also accompanied by many horrible memories of our neighborhood as well. Such as, my car being totaled by a drunk drive, alley walkers at all hours of the day/night, people knocking on our door and asking for cigarettes, and mice and raccoons running all over. This is a picture of our OLD house: It's cute and I miss it, BUT... Here is a picture of our NEW house!!!

House stats: It is located within Harrison which is near the city center of Gungahlin. This is in Northern Canberra about 20 minute drive from Matt's work. It has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, large yard (compared to the others in the neighborhood). There is a park about a black away from the house and the shopping center is a little over 1.5 miles from our house. Nearby there are horse races, a couple of lakes, a craft fair (which I'm excited about) and a golf course (which Matt's excited about). We are still learning much about our new neighborhood, but we are very much looking forward to being in such an amazing house!

Here are some pictures of the house...I won't bore you with the pictures of the bedrooms, but here is the en suite bathroom (his and her sinks, baby!!!)
Below is the living room. There is so much potential for TONS of sunlight!
The dining room. Near the dining room there is also a family room.
My office! A.K.A. the kitchen...isn't it beautiful!!!!!! I think I will cook all day every day!
Matt's office! haha! the garage...looks pristine!!!
The laundry room, usually not something people are excited about, but if you only could see where I have been doing laundry for the last 4 years (my unfinished, mouse-friendly basement)! I am so pumped for this room! I'll call it my "other" office!
Here is the side patio. I see awesome patio furniture in our future!
Our big backyard (Dusty's office :)
So there ya have it! The bedrooms are your standard bedroom, plus it's really difficult to get a good looking picture of a bedroom with no furniture in it...but they all look nice and roomy! We still have tons to learn and probably won't know it all until we have lived there quite a while. Please come visit us! We have an extra bedroom with your name on it! Just think...this may be the only time you will be able to take a trip to Australia and not have to pay for a hotel room! Heck, I'll even cook you meals! I could run my own little bed and breakfast right there in Australia...only for American visitors though! haha!
Life: In other areas of my life...the countdown is on for Bekki's wedding! 5 days and the BIG day is here! Speech ideas? I know you have some...I need advice! haha!
I'm off to yoga during nap time for the girlies!
Enjoy today!

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