Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday = erased!

Good Morning!!

I wish I could just erase Thursday! It was the day that I realized I only have 63 days left in the states...panic set in. Smaller tasks became more difficult than they needed to be and conversations got heated easily. I really hate days like those. I didn't blog because it was difficult for me to see the positive side of anything. I'm not a big fan of negative/complaining blogs.

Today, I am looking at it from this direction: I have 62 days left in the states, I am going to make each day count! I am going to have genuine interactions with the people I care about the most for the next 62 days and beyond!

Here is a video that helped cheer me up and get me out of my funk yesterday:

Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! It's a little weird, but sometimes I appreciate the weird things in life!

Here's what we were up to yesterday:

Addi thought she need to go to school...she was trying to wear Destiny's back pack and she was very proud of herself as she carried it around.
Here's something to be proud of: Addi ate her very own Gogurt without any help from mommy! What a big girl!

Dest and Addi in their comfy clothes.
I made peanut butter play dough for the girls and Destiny said, "that was a nice lunch" after we played with it. Addi enjoyed it too, she was a sticky mess so it was difficult to get a good pic of her.
In the evening, reading time with Grandma Sue.
Then, attack Grandma Sue time. The girls got so silly, must have been from that peanut butter play dough!
Upside down clowns! Destiny used to do this all the time when she was Addi's age and she would wave between her legs! haha! I'm still working on the waving part with Addi!
The Australian Slang Word of the Day: Chocolate = Chokkie!
So this morning, I went for a long run, did some yoga, and ate some Chokkie and that is way I am in a much better mood than yesterday!
Chokkie = happy day!
Now I'm off to have some lunch with my mom and working on a few projects around the house. Off to Zumba it up tonight! Should be a great day!
Here's to erasing bad days and enjoying good days!
Enjoy today!

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