Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When it rains...

..we stay inside and keep toasty warm. Lately it has been raining each day here. Yesterday, I took the girls on a wagon ride and we turned the corner toward home as the sky started down pouring on us. We were home just in time to get out of the rain.

For other areas of Australia, when it rains...IT POURS! In Queensland {North of us} there has been devastating flooding. I wasn't truly aware of the terrible amount of flooding until I was stuck in the doctor's office waiting room for 2 hours yesterday {Addi had her well baby check up for 18 months}. I don't watch too much television at home and the radio station that I listen to does not give the damage justice by what they say. I watched a news station at the hospital for 2 hours and the full 2 hours they covered the floods. It is horrific.

I found some pictures on Google images of the flooding; I feel like they speak for themselves {I am speechless when I see them}

The river should crest some time today {according to the news I watched yesterday}. On the Internet I found that there have been 12 people who have died and there are about 50 or more still missing. This is devastating.
Matt is hoping to go help with the clean up, but is unsure if that will happen due to circumstances at work.
If you are interested in donating too help please contact me via facebook or email and I will give you a web address that allows you to securely donate.

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.” Mahatma Gahndi

I hope this find you all dry {some of you very cold} but safe and sound!

Enjoy today!

1 comment:

  1. I'm married to a cousin of Matt's. I've been wondering if you were in the flooded areas. Glad to know you all are safe. AB
